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Use the Sexual Lens Tonight: Turns The Girl You Like Into Your Loyal, Loving Girlfriend

I know this sounds too good to be true but hear me out...

I'm going to show you exactly how to use the Sexual Lens tonight and how it will get the girl you have your eye on -- and turn her into your loyal, loving girlfriend.

So there she is...the one woman I want the most...

She's in the mail room, looking for an envelope...

And it's a perfect opportunity to use the sexual lens on her...

In fact, it's now or never.

So I walk past her, drop my mail, and make my move...

And with just one secret technique, I am making her uncontrollably horny for me...

I can see it all over her her eyes and in her entire body...

All of her attention is locked onto me...and only me...

And it's incredibly sexy.

I'm watching as her thighs start pressing her tongue traces lines over her lips...

I see her becoming desperate to be with satisfy these urges I've triggered inside of her...

And it's all thanks to the sexual lens...

But she probably thinks she's got the hots for me all on her own...little does she know...

Hey, I'm RJ and in this quick letter, I'm going to share a strangely powerful technique called the sexual lens that got the girl of my dreams to go to bed with me...

...and not only go to bed with me, but become my loyal, loving girlfriend...

...and this was after spending months as her "her best bud"...

...where she was ignoring my sexuality, treating me like one of her girlfriends, even telling me intimate details of her dates with other men...

So listen, I know what being friend-zoned is like...

And if you'll simply watch for 3 minutes, I'll show you an infallible method that works to turn a female friend into a total sex slut for your every desire...

So if there is one girl that you really, really want...

...perhaps a friend, a coworker, or an ex-girlfriend...

...the cute girl who serves you coffee, a new neighbor, or even the girl you like that's currently dating somebody else...

You're in exactly the right place because I'm showing you how to direct the sexual lens at her and make her melt into your arms and beg you to take her sexually...

Thanks to the sexual lens, I was able to transform a woman who saw me as her friend into my sexual plaything... where she was writing me X-rated texts, sending pussy shots, and begging me to fuck her...

And with the sexual lens, I didn't have to change anything about myself -- not my looks, not my income or how I live my life...

I'm still the same old RJ. I've just got a new trick up my sleeve...

Who said old dogs couldn't learn new tricks?

And here's the best part...this isn't a one-time thing.

Because now, with the sexual lens in my back pocket, I know that if anything were to happen and I end up single again...

...I won't have to be single for long...I can go out tonight and get any woman I want to beg me to take her...

Because the sexual lens makes it easy to get a girl... or several girls at once if that's your style...

But first -- I need to warn you...

...a lot of guys are actually afraid of romantic success...

They're afraid of succeeding with a beautiful woman.

I know because I've heard from at least 5,300 men who have used the sexual lens.

And I was afraid of sexual success myself.

For instance, when I was living in LA, a really cute girl comes up to me on Sunset Boulevard...

And she starts asking me for directions to the wax museum.

And I can see a gaggle of girls behind her -- friends on vacation, it looks like...

...but this one girl has approached me all by herself...

So this is the perfect opportunity for me to make a move, to ask her out and take advantage of this moment...

But I can only stand there. It's like my feet are rooted to the ground.

I'm sweating, heart racing, tripping over my tongue.

And then that's it. The moment is gone.

But don't worry, in a moment I'll show you how I overcame all my shyness and awkwardness and how the sexual lens works even if you don't believe it works...

Case in point -- I was at the bank yesterday and the ATM machine swallowed my card...

So I go into the bank and there is this beautiful female teller and I can't help but use the sexual lens on her...

And the next thing you know, this cute teller's reaching through the teller window to fondle my arm...running her hand up my arm...

...and her fingers are running right over my wedding ring like it's not even there...

And then she's leaning in for a kiss!

And I'm so surprised that I don't pull away in time -- she kisses me right on the lips!

It's so flattering -- in fact, it's almost addicting getting this response from women every time I use the sexual lens.

But I'm a one-woman type of man, so I let the teller down gently...

And even then, she's not taking no for an answer... she's acting like a woman in love...

And just 5 minutes ago, she didn't even know I existed!

I have no choice but to get the heck out of there and practically run to my car.

And I'm not telling you this to brag, but to show you how powerful the sexual lens is...

...and how you should only use it if you're prepared for a woman to come up and approach you at a bar or in the grocery store and strike up a conversation...

...and start throwing every signal your way -- the hair flip, the fluttering eyelashes, the girlish giggle, the gentle hand on your arm...

...and if you're really fortunate, a promising kiss on the lips that will really stoke your fires...

Girls you want, now want you. So if you're not ready for that level of success, then please... out of this video right now before it's too late.

But know this, and this is important...

You're probably aware of all the censorship that's been going on you can't even post what you want on your own profile page...

And a lot of people, women in particular, end up hating videos like these...they "downvote" this video, or "report it" and guess what? It's gone.

I know this video will be gone -- it could be now, or in an hour, but it will be scrubbed from the Internet by the cancel mob of millennial do-gooders.

Which means this may be your only chance to watch this video all the way through...

...and hear firsthand how the sexual lens works for you...

Because right now, I'm revealing how to use the sexual lens that gets me any girl I want...

...and how it's like having a fool-proof guarantee that another willing woman is only just around the corner...

It's a pretty nice feeling, let me tell you.

And you will see how it is transforming my confidence as a man and bettering my life in every way imaginable...

One guy says he has had so many wild experiences with women since using this method...

Normally I had to approach and do most of the work to have a girl interested but since I started this journey, on multiple occasions I had women approaching me! That never happened before, and in today's society I dont generally see that often either.

And another man says his dating life transformed in just 2 weeks:

I had a cute coworker not-so-subtly ask me out on a date on day 14, one I had been crushing on for a very long while, but had mostly ignored me until that point. In fact most girls in my life had avoided me like a plague until I started this

And for Joe, he says it's working for him everywhere he goes...

"Women are more open with me... I often see what appears to be interest and adoration in their eyes. There was one time when I was in a store and a woman walked up to me acting friendly and stated talking with me out of the blue."

And yet another guy says he finally understands how powerful this is after accidentally wielding the sexual lens at the gym...

I went to work out at my Crossfit gym. One of the teachers is a mid aged "lady" who can muscle up and power clean over 220 pounds (so she's pretty manly is what I'm getting at). As soon as I got there I could feel a connection and fun feminine energy out of
someone who isn't even normally feminine (blushing, head lowering, touching me and giggling etc). It never happened before. At that point I got it, our vitality unlocks raw feminine energy, and THAT's what its about.

So stick with me for just a few minutes and you'll be on your way to using this method, maybe as soon as tonight!

Okay, so it's Thursday, March 25th. I remember it was raining cats and dogs.

And I have to drive to work with broken windshield wipers and no defroster...

So I'm late and already stressing over a job that doesn't pay me enough to even be stressing...

And as soon as my feet cross the threshold and my ass hits my office chair...

...I'm searching for her, scanning the room...

...looking for my daily fix, the one girl I can't get off my mind no matter what I do...

Her name is Anna.

Anna J....

And Anna, she's gorgeous. The perfect girl-next-door type.

...the girl you want to take home to meet your family... if only she'd just look your way...

And every day, at exactly 10:15 am, Anna gets up to pour her coffee, adding just a dash of 1% milk to it, just enough to give it color...

What she doesn't know is that I'm the one stocking the company fridge with 1% milk...

For five long, lonely months, I've been going out of my way to make Anna want me as much as I want her...

...desperately trying to show her that I'm the perfect man for her...

...not that mechanic she's been dating who always ignores her calls...

...and not that dog trainer that forgot her birthday last year...

"Why can't I find the right guy?" she's always asking me, as we eat our lunch together in the break room.

Part of me wants to yell out: "It's me! I'm right here!"

But I stay patient...sure that if I just stay the course and keep doing nice things for her, she'll fall for me...

At least that's what I'm telling myself, as I walk to the Keurig that's right by her desk for the 3rd time that day...

"Hey Anna" I say, trying to play it cool. "Big plans this weekend?"

And she happily starts telling me about the date she has planned, with another guy who's not me...

And this is how it is every day, day after day...

More trips to the Keurig...more buddy-buddy conversations...

Plenty of opportunities for me to make a move...but I never do...

I keep thinking, it's just a matter of time...

Any day now, she's going to realize I'm the one buying her 1% milk...

That it's me who changes her light bulbs and keeps bringing her those special sticky notes she likes...

She'll remember how I fixed her car last week and how nice that was of me...

She's suddenly going to fall for me -- she's sure to.

And as I'm walking back to my desk, I catch Brian's eye -- a younger, fitter, more successful guy than me...

He's giving me a shit-eating grin like, "You're wasting your time man."

But there I am that night, waiting for Anna's light to turn off in her cubicle before shutting my computer down...

...just so I can walk her safely to her car in the parking garage and steal a few more moments with her, like I do every night...

Except on this night, there's another man waiting to walk her to her car...

He's waiting for her, calling out to her... and there's something weirdly familiar about his voice...

I'm standing there in the shadows, watching as he grabs Anna by the hand, pulling her close, nuzzling her neck...

His hands are grabbing her ass and she's laughing, loving it...

And then they're kissing...deep, slow, passionate kisses that make my cheeks burn red as I'm watching them...

My blood is boiling, my stomach is in knots, I feel like I'm going to throw up...

That should be me grabbing her ass and making her laugh...

I'm thinking, what has this guy done to go and win Anna's affection so fast?

What has he done compared to me?

And when their makeout is finally over and they're going their separate ways...

...Anna's headlights allow me to see the man's face as he's getting into his car...

It's Brian, my coworker. My sworn enemy in the office, the guy who loves showing me up every chance he gets...

And now he's done it again.

He's stolen my girl, the one woman I want the most.

I'm filled with shame... how could this happen? I feel hollow inside, like a dead tree.

And as I'm making the sad, lonely walk back to my shitty tincan on the far side of the lot...

...wondering if this is how it feels when you have nothing left to live for...

...suddenly rage comes over me...

As I'm sitting in the car, staring at myself in the mirror, something inside me snaps...

Enough is enough, I'm thinking...

I refuse to lose Anna to a jerk like Brian!

This is do or die time... and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make Anna mine...

...but what will it take?

The old me, the nice-guy me -- would run through these options...

Option 1: write her a note, confessing my feelings for her. Then she'll know that I want her, and we can be together.

Option 2: I'll pump myself up with an extra espresso, march over to her desk, and ask her out.

Simple, right?

And yet, now I know today, that both of those options are terrible awful mistakes.

I know this now. But for years, I was making the same mistakes, over and over.

This time around, I'm fortunate enough to have the help of a man named Matt Cook...

...a man who walked into a room full of 25 hopelessly single men...

...and in just a few hours time, taught them one simple method that led to every single one of those 25 men getting the girlfriend of their dreams.

Every one of those 25 men met someone they want to settle down with.

Guys down on their who were trying and failing to win the attention of one particular girl for weeks, months, maybe even years...

These guys sat through one workshop hosted by Matt Cook -- and then their entire lives began to change...

In just a few short hours, they were talking to the one woman they wanted the most...

And in just a few days, they were sleeping with her!

And Matt Cook -- he's the inventor of the sexual lens.

This is the same Matt Cook who was interviewed on ABC News about his findings...maybe you caught his segment...

The same Matt Cook who has helped United States congressmen, NFL football players, priests and rabbis, medical doctors, and thousands of other men succeed with women.

Somehow, by some stroke of luck, I stumble onto Matt Cook and his incredible discoveries and see the term for the first time -- "the sexual lens."

And I decide to email him and tell him my story... and I basically beg him to help me make Anna my girl.

And hours later, I'm in a really dark place...and then days are going by...

I'm drinking heavily, I'm self-medicating, I'm spiraling out of control.

All I can do is think about Anna -- and Brian -- and how I've lost her again, to the worst guy imaginable...

What's left for me? I wonder. What do I have to live for?

It's just me and these dark thoughts...and a bottle of Jack Daniels sitting on the table...

And right when I'm about to do something I never thought I'd do, I hear a familiar chime from the computer...

It's an email from Matt Cook -- and I'm so shocked at what I'm reading, I have to re-read it 3 times just to be sure...

The email says:

"RJ, sorry for the delay, your email had gone into my spam folder and I didn't check it until now.

The Sexual Lens is gone, it's done.

But I'm reissuing the sexual lens for a few days -- just to update it with something new I've only recently discovered...

...and I am okay teaching it to you to help me finish the new course."

Matt Cook is agreeing to teach me the sexual lens!

And as I watch the sun come up that day, I feel some sort of hopefulness for the first time in a very long time.

And to my benefit, Matt wastes no time in teaching me...

He shows me exactly how the sexual lens works, how to use it, and provides clear step-by-step instructions.

And when I'm looking back over my notes before bed the next night, I can't help but feel extremely skeptical...

A big part of me believes this won't ever work.

Before I even try it out, I'm imagining myself crashing and burning trying to use the sexual lens on a woman like Anna...

And this is exactly what Matt Cook told me NOT to I try imagining something else instead...

I picture myself using the sexual lens on Anna...and succeeding...

I see her in my mind's eye, beautiful and lovely, looking at me and only me...

I visualize her walking toward me, swinging her long hair back and leaning in close...

And then I imagine she's kissing me...kissing me with passion and desire...

She's leading me to the bedroom, taking off my clothes, teasing me with soft touches...

And it feels so real, I can almost taste it.

I think about her all night long...and by morning, I'm determined to have her...

But I tell myself that I can't screw this up... because I may only have one shot at this...

So I think, what's the harm in practicing first. Practice makes perfect, right?

And while I'm on my way to work in the morning, I stop to get gas...

And I see a beautiful woman pumping gas right next to me, wearing a skin-tight skirt that leaves little to the imagination...

She's not Anna -- but she's hot.

And she looks like the perfect opportunity to try out the sexual lens for the first time.

But just thinking about it is making me nervous...

My palms are sweating and I'm starting to have doubts again.

This isn't going to work, I'm thinking. No way.

But I force myself to take a deep breath -- it's now or never.

As subtly as I can, I use the sexual lens on the woman at the gas pump.

And then I wait...

But nothing happens... she finishes pumping her gas and drives away...

And I'm standing there stunned. I'm wondering what the heck just happened.

That voice in my head says, "I told you so -- told you it wouldn't work."

But I'm still hugely disappointed.

I really wanted it to work... didn't I?

Or maybe I'm still afraid of succeeding with a beautiful woman... maybe I'm the one holding myself back...

But when I talk to Matt Cook that night and tell him what happened, it's SO OBVIOUS...

I forgot the most important first step -- something Matt Cook told me was crucial for succeeding with the sexual lens... little 2-second tweak that you do first before anything else...

So the next day, I try again -- this time with the pretty young waitress serving me lunch...

She comes to take my order, and as she's busy writing on her little notepad, I make my move.

I use the sexual lens on her and wait to see what happens...

I watch as the waitress stops suddenly...a small shudder comes over her...

I see her eyes close and her fingers clench and unclench uncontrollably...

And as her pen hits the floor, she smiles at me... a smile that is so much more meaningful than the one she gave me when I first sat down...

And she hands me a piece of paper.

I'm mystified, not ready for the check yet, but I see it's her phone number.

So I text her: "Want to hook up?" She texts back and it's game on!

And I'm filled with rocket fuel -- I'm instantly hard and horny hearing how much she wants me.

And Hannah the waitress shows me what I've been missing for so long...and my God, it's frickin sensational...

And later, when I'm home, I can't help gushing to Matt and telling him how it happened...

Matt gives me a few more tips that have proved incredibly valuable... a certain way to stand that gets a woman sexually interested in you...

But Matt also wants to know...

"...what about Anna? Is she next?"

Now that I have this secret weapon on my side, Anna can finally be mine.

I know now that the sexual lens works, that it's powerful and instantaneous...

But am I ready? Am I ready to make Anna mine?

I think back to that night in the parking angry it made me...

And I know that if what I'm about to do doesn't bring her back to me, if the sexual lens doesn't work... nothing will.

And if I don't try now, she may be gone forever.

So the very next day, I'm walking into work with a mission...

And when I see Anna in the mailroom, I know it's go time.

So I take a deep breath and start walking toward her...

I drop my mail and then I walk right past her...I don't even say a word to her...

But I do one special seemingly harmless glance in her direction, using the sexual lens...

And then I'm at the door, about to walk out of the mailroom...

Is it working? Is she looking at me?

...and I'm so shocked, I can't move at all...

Anna is looking at me... really looking at me...

And there's something in her eyes I've never seen before -- desire.

"So I was thinking, we should get together," she says throatily...and I can tell she's aroused.

She's asking me out.

Anna J, the girl I haven't been able to stop thinking about, fantasizing about...

She's asking ME out. And she really wants me, I can tell.

And just the other night, she was making out with Brian and I thought she was lost...but she's not lost...

It takes everything I have to keep from laughing in Brian's face as I walk by his cubicle.

And here I am, the same normal RJ -- but now I'm in the driver's seat.

I'm holding all the power, I can go over to Anna's house and bend her over the bed and totally take her.

She wants me so badly and I don't have to do a thing.

And truth be told, it's a new feeling for's the first time I'm in the driver's seat with a woman.

Before, the girl was always the one controlling everything -- but now I'm the one she wants, and I'm in control.

It's a heady feeling to know that I can have her, or any woman I want, thanks to the sexual lens.

And by 10pm that Friday night, Anna is in my bed, doing everything I've always wanted her to do to me...

All thanks to the sexual lens.

And I understand that it may be almost impossible for you to believe...

...that you can develop such dazzling sexy magnetism that you can attract a woman to you with just a look or a touch, before you even begin to speak to her...

...that you can develop such invincible confidence that you can hit it off with any woman who approaches you, as though you were George Clooney or Brad Pitt...

...and that you can unleash such overwhelming desire within a woman that she will seek you out and make the first move...

I realize these promises may appear incredible to you at first glance -- so let me share 2 or 3 secrets about how the sexual lens works...

So you know how they're always saying eye contact is so important -- that it can let a girl know you're interested in her?

Well, the problem with this is that too much direct eye contact can make you seem creepy...

...where the woman is actually becoming scared of you rather than attracted to you.

So when you're looking at a woman, she will lock eyes with you for half a second if she's interested -- and then she will immediately look away.

And instead of continuing to stare at her, waiting to catch her eye again, I do this...

I picture myself and her having sex.

I visualize it in my mind, my own little personal fantasy...

And though that may sound weird, it's incredibly powerful.

Because it projects my sexuality her where she is feeling my energy and my attraction...

And this makes her confident...and she becomes even more interested in me.

And she will almost always come up and make the first move.

Now let's talk about the approach...

If I approach her as RJ, I'm awkward and never know what to say or do.

But if she approaches me, I can kick back, relax, and just let her say whatever. All I have to do is respond.

And she is creating the flow that tells me how she wants me to take her to bed.

Because women each have a style that gets them interested sexually that is a little different from other women.

By having her approach me, and be the one to talk to me, I can relate to her particular style and get her to bed that much more quickly.

And one thing that gets guys really messed up is texting and sending messages back and forth...

That is a total downer.

I only text her to hook up and I don't continue to go back and forth.

Sometimes, I even drop some hints that tell her that I'm down for whatever -- but other women are wanting my attention too...

And you would think that this would be a total turnoff but it's actually not. Not the way I do it.

This way, it's actually a huge turn-on and it has gotten girls to hook up with guys far more often than anything else.

And you know how when you go to a party or a bar and are hanging out, and you don't know what to do with your hands?

You're standing there awkwardly, looking around...

And you're feeling self conscious, not knowing what to say and feeling like the odd one out...

Well there's one simple gesture that you can use to channel the sexual lens anywhere, anytime...

And it will have girls coming up to you, noticing you first and wondering if you're here alone...

Now I just stand there and wait as one woman after another approaches me and starts up a conversation.

Often when I go out, I get 3 or 4 phone numbers -- even when I'm out with Anna!

All you have to do is concentrate hyper sexual energy and the woman wants you...

In fact, she's set on fire with lust for you.

All she will be able to think about is you -- talking to you, touching you, pleasuring you...

And for all she knows, these feelings are her own... she has no idea you're using the sexual lens on her...

And trust me on this -- the sexual lens is extremely easy to use.

It may take a little practice for you to get the hang of it...

And you'll probably want to test it out on a few different women before you use it on the one girl you want the most...

But once you succeed with the sexual lens for the first time, you will be hooked...

You will want to be using the sexual lens on every woman you meet -- whether you're single or not!

And the best part about the sexual lens is that there's no real work for you to do.

The sexual lens does all the work for you.

It's a way of building up and channeling enormous sexual energy...

...and using it to attract any woman you want to your side, like a magnet...

...whether it be your wife, your girlfriend, or a new girl you just bumped into...

Now you can go on to attract new women, new respect, new love like a man magnet...

And you can go on to enjoy attracting beautiful women as they come to you, without you needing to seek them out!

Matt's managed to make the sexual lens a uniquely powerful tool for men just like me and you.

Men who are sick of being in the friend-zone...

Men who are tired of chasing after one girl...

Men who want more sex...more love and more intimacy...

Men who are ready to succeed with a beautiful woman...or two...or three!

For me, the sexual lens has been a godsend...

To this very day, I often think about where I'd be far gone I'd be...if Matt hadn't taken pity on me and taught me the sexual lens...

Would I still be pining after Anna, and watching her date other men and kiss other men right in front of me?

Just the thought depresses me, makes my face burn with shame.

Because I've always given myself credit for being honest with myself -- and now I know that what I was doing before was never going to work...

Thanks to Matt's teachings, I can see how wrong I was getting it many things I could have done differently...

Everything they tell you in mainstream media, in magazines and tv shows and movies -- that stuff never works.

Being nice to a girl and doing nice things for her doesn't work.

Because when you are going out of your way for a girl you want to sleep with, you are making a big mistake.

Either she starts taking you for granted -- or she starts taking pity on you...

Because she thinks your nice guy act is out of desperation. The word pathetic comes to mind...

And once a woman starts pitying you, it's over. She will never want to sleep with you.

It's like chasing after a dog that just likes running away for fun.

See, in my twenties, I had this big black dog that always ran away.

He was always breaking his chain and running wild down the streets.

I'd see the dog and he'd see me -- and I'd go chasing after him.

And eventually he'd slow down and let me get close to him...then he'd look back, let me get right to him, and then he'd leap out of my grasp and I'd be chasing him again.

And he loved it! He was having the time of his life.

But I wasn't.

And that's the problem when you play the nice guy game with a girl you want to sleep with.

You just keep chasing and chasing, and she has no intention of ever letting you catch her.

And being nice is no guarantee that a woman will fall for you and want you the way you want her.

The only guaranteed way I've ever found for getting the girl you want to want you back is the sexual lens.

Because the sexual lens makes her think about you constantly.

And with the sexual lens, you're able to seduce the girl you want without fear of rejection...

...without fear of making it awkward or ruining a friendship...

It's a super sneaky way of triggering her "chase" mechanism -- without her even knowing what's happening or why.

And you just get to sit back and enjoy it...while she does all the work!

The sexual lens makes it easy to get the one girl you desire most and make her yours forever...

...if you want her forever, that is...

Maybe you feel that there are too many women out there to commit to just one...

And if that's the case, that's perfectly fine. The sexual lens will work wonderfully for you too.

The point is that you have all the power with the sexual lens.

And you can do whatever you want with it.

Since discovering the sexual lens, women are approaching me now...

I have less anxiety, more mojo, and more confidence as a man.

And I'm completely fearless going up to an attractive woman now, even more so than I was in my twenties and thirties...

Even my work life has improved -- just last month, my boss passed over Brian for a promotion and gave it to me instead!

And before I used the sexual lens on Anna, everyone was telling me to let her go, even my own mother.

But now when they see Anna by my side, loyal and loving... they all look at me with pride.

And fortunately for men everywhere, Matt has decided to start teaching the sexual lens again...

We have Matt's nephew to thank for that actually -- he recently got divorced and was really struggling with health issues and loneliness...

And Matt really wanted to help him... he couldn't let him keep suffering alone...

So Matt taught his nephew the sexual lens...

And his nephew started banging girls left and right! One beautiful woman after another, offering themselves up, making it easy...

And Matt was shocked at how well it was working for his nephew, even after all this time...

So Matt says he has no choice -- he has to keep teaching it and sharing these sensational results.

The thing is though, last time they shut down Matt's video account for posting about the sexual lens...

They tried to shut down his websites and even went after him with personal attacks.

And Matt really doesn't want to have to go through that again...

It almost ruined everything he's been working for...all over this one video and this one method...

So Matt's decided that this time, the sexual lens is only going to be taught for a short time...

Once the video is gone -- that's probably it. It may be gone forever.

So if you are still watching this right now, you're here just in time...

Matt is still teaching the sexual lens...and I'm here to help him do it.

The first person I recruited for Matt to teach the sexual lens to was my married friend Paul...

And Paul says, "I can't thank you enough! Honestly I thought it sounded pretty weird at first...

But I did what you told me to do, and holy shit... it's incredible...

My wife hasn't wanted to sleep with me in four long miserable years!

I'd pretty much given up on having sex with her anymore, but now it's like she wants me even more than I want her!"

And since Paul had so much success with it, Matt taught my cousin, Dan, the sexual lens too.

Dan says to me a few weeks later:

"You won't believe how much action I'm getting...

You know how me and Susan have an open relationship, right?

Well now I'm able to bring any girl I want home, and sometimes Susan even joins in!

And it's so easy, I barely have to do anything and the girls just melt for me.

I don't know where or how you discovered this, but THANK YOU!"

And then a friend of a friend, 68-year-old Don, learned the sexual lens -- and now he is having sex all the time!

"My wife now wants sex both day and night.

She will be 71 in November and I am 68.

We generally do an hour to an hour and a half in the morning before I go to work...

...and several hours at night...

Now she is like a young schoolgirl discovering the joys my cock can bring her for the first time.

Never, in my wildest dreams did I believe I could have such frequent and good sex."

And the success stories just keep rolling on in...

John says, "I was hesitant to believe it... happily I am very glad to say I was wrong!"

And another man who goes by MB says:

"I'm meeting more women than I ever thought possible.

Currently I am dating 3 women and they're all drop dead gorgeous.

Wow and thank you!"

And since you've stuck with me this long, I think you'll agree it's time for you to be the next big success story!

Picture right now the one girl you want the most -- or picture a girl whose perfect face and body you'd love to be with...

With the sexual lens, you're making this woman desperate to be with you, by barely lifting a finger...

It is nearly effortless on your part... and she is so incapable of resisting the deep, primal urges she's having for you...

Her body is lubricating in an instant, and all she can do is think of how wonderful it will be to feel you filling her up.

At first, she may say something like, "You're doing something to me..."

And then she's making all the moves, seducing you with urgency...

She is positioning her body very close to yours, angling her waist into yours, maybe even rubbing her hand up and down your leg...

And any minute now, she is going to lose control and beg you to make love to her.

And it is going to be everything you ever wanted it to be and more.

So let me ask you... are you ready to use the sexual lens?

Are you ready to have the most profound success with a beautiful woman...

...perhaps the one girl you've been after for a long time, or an ex, or a new girl you just met?

Are you ready to receive the lion's share of attention from women everywhere you go...

...and have more sex than a drugged up rockstar at a music festival?

Because that's what's waiting for you when you decide to use the sexual lens.

It's a whole new world of sex and love and power, and it's all waiting for you.

The sexual lens opens the door...and you are already here...

Right now, right this moment, you are joining single men, married men, grandfathers, divorced guys, single dads, widowers... who just haven't found the "one" yet...

...and every other man who is using the sexual lens to succeed with a beautiful woman.

And now it's your turn.

You can be using the sexual lens as soon as tonight if you want.

Because now Matt's doing things a little differently...

In the past, Matt used to hold a physical workshop and teach the sexual lens in person...

And it would take a lot of time and energy, not to mention the cost of travel and lodging...

And times are different now. We're all so busy and we want things quick and fast.

So the sexual lens is now more accessible than ever.

Instead of needing to jump on a plane or get in your car to discover the sexual lens -- you can do it right now... soon as you click the big button on this page...

Get Started Today

Everything you need to use the sexual lens is now virtual, it's all put into videos and podcasts, and things you can access on your phone or tablet...

...from anywhere in the world, whenever you want...

And you can be using the sexual lens in a matter of hours or days, or whenever works best for you.

And right now, the sexual lens can be yours for free.

That's right -- for FREE.

What once cost thousands and thousands of dollars is now completely free of charge.

And it's because Matt isn't in this for the money -- he's in it to help guys live happier, healthier, sexier lives.

And he wants to prove it to you.

So he's offering to share the sexual lens with any man who wants it for free.

Register below and start using the sexual lens right now:

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